Tag Archives: first decade of 21st century

Pm bush part four

The congress of viena nations decided to lunch military action against the taliban and alqaida.
It took a mouth before ground operations began. Special forces began erlier. The information was leaked wirch irked pm bush and defense minister Rumsfeld.
In October the war began. The coilition hit from the air. Most of the ground force was from agthen rebelions a faction called the nouthern alience.
  At first there was a series of setback. There was fears of the colition getting boged down. The opisistion had a hard time crafting a message. If they suported the war and it went badly they would have to run against there own policy. If they oposed the war and it went well it could hurt there chances in the next election believed to be held in 04 or 05. The liberals did not have a perminent leader yet.
By the end of the year,the taliban fell. The country had falled into enemy hands. They had killed several high ranking alqaida leadera even Mohamed atef the number three. They failed to capture osama binladen.
  With the war in athganistan grinding to a hault,what was next? Us began to train philipine forces fighting abu sief a group afiliated with alqaida. They had kdnaped misonaries the bernums. Marton bernihm was later killed but gracia servived.
Even on 911,there was an atempt to link 911 to iraq. An oficial parlimentry inqury in 2005 found that iraq played no role in the attacks but iran did. The baker-robb commission concluded the same thing.
British prime minister tony blare and American pm george w bush both had bones to pick with iraq and its leader Saddam huisain.
While as opisistion leader,blare servived an asasination plot while visiting moroco. The gunman was a former member of the iraqi revolutionary gaurd. There was no evidence that he acted on the orders of Saddam.
While bush farther was targarted by sadam in qarait after losing reelection. Pm Clinton at the time did not do much in response.
There were rumors that England and america would invade iraq. Movement towards war seemed all the more likly.
The league of nations worked out a deal to have weapons inspectors. While bush wanted to go ahead with the invasion even with inspection. Bush already had use of force pased by the house and the senate but he decided not to go ahead at first.
Bush and blare had no intention of siting by and letting the inspection go froward. They saw it as staling.
In the spring of 03,the coilition forces witch included america and briten and several other contries invaded iraq. Canada,france,Germany who usually sided with the anglo powers oposed the war. Rusia and china also oposed the war. 
  The war in iraq began much the same as the agthgan war. The war seamed to be bodged down. The colition was able to overcome the stand off.
  The regime fell rather quickly. Members of the regime fled the capital of Baghdad. Long time spokesman tereq azeez surendered to the coilition. Chemical ali was declared to have been killed. That was retracted and he was later captured. Sadem two sons were killed in a gun battle in the sumer of o3. Sadem was captured in 2004. He was hung in 2006.
Pm bush gave a speach from an aircraft carier after landing in a tomkat. He anounced the end of combat operations. After the us ocupation tried to overthrow all vestures of sadem regime. An inaurgentcy began.
Bush pols numbers went down as did the tories. The liberals were devided. Acting leader of the opisistion joe liberman alowed his cacus to vote there conscience in the use of force vote but many voted yes.
Would the liberals be the anti war party or the do it better party. Would howard deen the former vermont premer who opossed the war lead the party or those who voted for it sutch as senator john kerry,joe liberman or john Edwards.